Q & A for Vann-Ray, LLC

  1. What type of company is Vann-Ray, and who is the target audience?

    Vann-Ray, LLC is a STUDENT-focused and EDUCATOR-focused educational and motivational consulting company.  The company is dedicated to providing college and career readiness for middle-high school students. Our focus is on providing modules that are thought-provoking and motivating for students.  We focus on areas of endurance, forming successful habits, and inspiring students to excel in all areas of their life choices.  We also continue to provide professional learning opportunities for educators on a number of topics.  We customize professional learning opportunities for all our clients.  We believe educators need and deserve someone in their corner as much as any profession.  We strive to be that resource for them.

  2. What type of consulting do you provide students?

    Vann-Ray experts provide a variety of services for our students.  We use traditional methods such as books, workbooks, and face-to-face motivational consulting.  We also use 21st century methods by providing motivational videos and online discussions.  We also provide an online coach for students who is responsible for answering questions and facilitating the online discussions. We also provide schools with the infrastructure to take our resources and use them in their own programs without our consulting if they choose to do so.  So, whether a school can afford professional coaching or not, the school can still provide their students with the infrastructure and their coaching to succeed.  

  3. What is a module?

    A module is a series of exercises on a specific topic for middle-high school students. It consists of a theme, with resources designed around the theme for the students. Each module contains a series of discussions (Most are built around 21 lessons.), a series of motivational video links, and a wealth of informational resources that can be downloaded, printed, or read virtually.  

  4. How many modules does a student receive for the annual subscription?  

    ALL OF THEM!  Once a student purchases an annual subscription, he/she will have access to all the current modules and modules completed within that school year.  We do not withhold any of our completed modules from our students.  Our current modules are: career readiness, transition to adult living, soft skills training, testing readiness, planning for fitness, self-motivation, and ACT preparation.    

  5. What type of professional learning does Vann-Ray provide educators? 

    Dr. Odom does provide workshops and other face-to-face engagements with schools and districts.  She also provides virtual training through webinars and online modules for teachers.  She works with schools and districts to determine what their specific needs are, and then she develops a plan for them.  Through face-to-face and virtual training Vann-Ray offers the best possible training solutions for districts and schools.  

  6. How has Vann-Ray been effective in schools?

    There have been no scientific studies to date to provide evidence of our effectiveness. We only have the testimonials from our students and educators.  The students who have gone through our modules have always given positive feedback on how the modules helped them. Our ACT training has proven to be quite helpful for many students when Dr. Odom has trained them face-to-face.  It is our goal that the virtual training coupled with a tutor in the school will provide the same success.  

  7. Why the focus on motivation from Vann-Ray?

    Dr. Odom has spent several years working in schools across the country as an educational consultant.  In her travels, she noticed that many educators felt that motivation among students was an area in need of more resources and training.  Dr. Odom had focused on self-regulation during her graduate work, and she, too, believed this was an area that needed attention.  She believed the EQ is as important as the IQ in order for students and adults to live successful lives.  It is her goal to help as many students and adults as she can realize their EQ potential.  

  8. How are the books and workbooks written?

    Dr. Odom has written, co-wrote, or contracted the writing for four of the module series.  Career Readiness, Testing Readiness, Fitness Planning and Self-Motivation are the modules for which the books and workbooks have been written to date.  The Career Readiness books/workbook, Testing Readiness books/workbook, and the Fitness book are available for purchase through Amazon.com. These are also readily available to all students in the modules through eBook form.  The Self-motivation book is available only through the module in an eBook form.  The books for each module are written using the Stephen Covey ideology that it takes 21 days to turn an action into a habit. Each book contains 21 informational passages. Each passage contains 10 bolded high frequency academic words. The passages are created to motivate students to make a habit of working on a particular theme (i.e. career readiness, motivation, or testing readiness).

    The workbooks have daily activities that are associated with the daily passages. The daily activities include a writing exercise (aligned to CCSS), social networking activities, and Internet research. Students also have vocabulary activities with the high frequency words for the day, and they are required to use the words in their writing.

  9. What is the purpose of the online support for students?

    Students need coaching as they work through the modules.  Some schools will have a professional educator or facilitator to provide the coaching support that students need.  Other schools may not have that person, so Vann-Ray will provide online coaching and support for schools that wish to purchase it.   By providing students with an online environment in which they can ask questions, as well as discuss topics with peers and a motivational coach, the students are more likely to maintain the rigorous schedule required to complete the modules and use them towards preparing for their futures. 

    Additionally, there is a 2-5 minute video for each day that also correlates with the daily reading and writing activities.  This video presentation is designed to further motivate students to complete the tasks each day. 

  10. What do the consultants do during the onsite days with educators?

    Before presenting a workshop for a school or district, Dr. Odom begins by completing a survey among those who will attend the workshop. She seeks to ascertain what it is the educators need from the workshop in order for them to believe it has been a successful use of their valuable time.  Once she has heard from the admininstration on the training needs and from the teachers on the desired expectations, she finalizes the training program for the workshop.  During the workshop she presents, engages the educators in activites and discussions, and answers questions the attendees may have.  She follows up with an evaluation for the attendees to complete and then sends any additional information back to the administrators for the attendees if needed.  

  11. What Makes Vann-Ray different?

    Our vision is to bring the best educational and motivational modules to middle-high school students to assist them in the transition to adulthood. We understand the struggles middle-high school students face as they prepare for college and career. We know their teachers often feel frustrated due to the lack of materials to help students with the transition. We also provide students the technology connection in real and meaningful activities. We understand the importance of having a life-coach, and we will be there for our middle-high schools students virtually and face-to-face if requested. We also know that teachers need support and training.  We always do our best to provide them with rigorous and relevant training opportunities that will be considered productive for them to attend.  

    We build all modules aligned to the highest rigor and standards of learning. We align to the Common Core State Standards for ELA as well as 21 Century Career and Technical considerations. We connect with our students socially through a variety of networks. We provide guidance for social networking in a positive and productive manner.

  12. Who makes up the Vann-Ray Team?

    We have a variety of experts, educational and motivational, that work with Vann-Ray to provide the best coaching and educational materials.  Our president and CEO, Dr. Sarah B. Odom, launched the Vann-Ray vision after working in schools for 11 years as a science teacher, Title 1 facilitator, and school improvement specialist, and six years as a national educational consultant and chief academic officer of a major student information systems company.  Other members of the Vann-Ray team include prominent businessmen and businesswomen as well as expert educational consultants. We also have excellent sales representatives to promote the Vann-Ray vision.  Most importantly, all of our team members are dedicated to middle-high schools and the educators and teens in them. We want every American middle-high school student to graduate ready for college and/or career.  

  13. What do I need to do if I want to learn more about Vann-Ray?

    Contact our experts from the this Website. We are always looking to make new connections, as well as experts who want to join our venture. Someone from our team will promptly return your email or phone call.


Vann-Ray, LLC is a coaching and consulting business equipped to help educators and students achieve their goals. Whether it is professional learning that is needed, or whether students need help with soft skills and motivation, Vann-Ray, LLC has a customized plan to help.

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